The single most important thing you can do to keep your vehicle in good running condition is - maintenance. The simple oil changes, tune ups, and tire rotations will keep your vehicle in good running order resulting in less problems down the road.
Some people are just not sure what things need to be maintained on a vehicle, and therefore, just don't get it done. The C.A.R. Guys can help you! Stop in or give us a call - we can assist you and help you to better understand what it takes to keep your vehicle in top running condition. It's worth it to spend a little now, rather than a lot later!
Our service writers can recommend standard maintenance procedures you should do regularly - most of which can be done while you wait!
Some of the maintenance we perform:
- Oil change / filter
- Tune up
- Fuel filter
- Air filter
- Coolant flush
- Transmission service
- Batteries
- Tire rotations
Questions about maintenance? Click here to contact us today!